The three pillars that touch lives of children

rupali gupta

The three pillars that are a big support in the lives of children to become sensitive and responsible citizens and help shaping their character are the parents in the first instance, followed by the strong impact made by the teachers and the student centric educational policies made by the system.These are the three pillars that stand by the children as they grow up. Dr Rupali Gupta – Principal, Army Public School, Agra, shares that teachers should be democratic, empathetic and sensitive to the children’s needs as the acts of the children are finally a reflection of their teachers. Army schools, specifically, provide the perfect experiential training and learning for teachers and students. Children are taught to accept each other’s individual differences and use school time as a platform to build up their  confidence tremendously. Army schools usually have children with good social adaptability skills due to the nature of their parents’ placement of moving from one city to the other . It is not only the educational policies but also the teachers’ perspectives and parents’ mindset that goes a long way in shaping the character of children. The teachers’ perspective to training and education has to change as per the needs of the students , and so the mindset of parents to accept differences in children. Everyone cannot aim for scholastic excellence. Some may be excellent in creative and other arts and crafts. The educational policies must be aligned to encourage children to experiment with such varied skills as well. Army schools also involve the alumni to a large extent to speak to the students and motivate them. This works as a great system for them to be role models for the children.We must remember each child is unique and love them the way they are. Accepting and nurturing children will help in improving their emotional quotient leading to a stronger society.

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  • astha
    July 29, 2020 6:32 am

    Great insights! ?


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