Mrs. Deepa Bhushan shares her strong belief is that life is a collection of intelligence, emotional, spiritual, adaptability and happiness quotient, all of which help a person deal with the multiple challenges that life throws at us. It is not just scores that help one deal with situations and challenges in life. It is other attributes such as adaptability, collaboration and calmness that play a major role in how a child learns to deal with life. Manifested in trust, self-control and self-awareness is the emotional quotient. Spiritual quotient allows one to access higher meaning and values, and how to live in a more creative way accessing energies that come from something beyond the ego. These are traits that play a much more important role than mere intellect and have an increasing role to play in a child’s life. These are the various dimensions that one needs to build on today to build a better future. Self-awareness, spontaneity, being vision and value led, acting from principles of deep belief and a sense of empathy, and the tendency to ask why rather than accept what comes one’s way, would definitely build character of children for the future. For educators, she believes, the prime task now is to explore ways in ensuring their students attain these sound qualities and focus over and above academic success.
The contributor of the article is Mrs. Deepa Bhushan, Director, CP Goenka Schools, Maharashtra. To connect to her
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June 2, 2020 11:09 am