seema jarathThe importance of continuity of learning in such challenging times has been an achievement. While the entire world has changed in the wink of an eye, teachers and schools are also changing their mindsets and transforming ways to adapt to this change. Seema Jerath – Principal, DLF Public School, Ghaziabad, shares that amidst these changes, the focus of educators need to remain on the holistic development of a child. Character building is important and should always be a matter of priority. It is time to rethink, reboot and reinvent. Teachers must invest in projects that help the child grow, and in turn help society progress. She believes that there is absolutely no correlation between high marks and a fulfilled life. From the lens of the evaluation system, marks carry some sanctity. But has anyone ever scored people on their adaptability to change? Has our education system made us grateful? Our evaluation system is still about knowledge. Even in the best of schools, there is little connection between knowledge and a full-filled life. Therefore, there is a need rethink the way we evaluate our students currently and involve students in creating sustainable projects that can benefit communities around them. It is these initiatives that will help create a better future.

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